Cannabis, also spelled marijuana, is one of the most commonly abused drugs in the United States. According to statistics, up to 4 million people in the United States have marijuana disorders, with up to 9% relying on marijuana.
Marijuana, like alcohol and other drugs, can lead to addiction. Marijuana use can frequently lead to substance abuse known as marijuana disorder or cannabis use disorder (CUD). If not treated, this disorder can lead to addiction and dependence. Marijuana use disorder manifests itself physically, socially, and emotionally. It can be mild to severe.
Use of Marijuana
While marijuana is used for a variety of purposes, it has yet to be legalized in the United States. Medical marijuana is used to treat pain and nausea caused by diseases such as HIV/AIDS, cancer, and chronic pain, among others.
According to research, the benefits of medical marijuana outweigh the risks to one's health. However, it is not yet legal. Recreational marijuana is only used for that purpose. Marijuana, like many other drugs, is used in social settings to help calm nerves and get high.
How to Know If You Have a Cannabis Use Disorder?
As previously stated, many people use marijuana for various reasons, but are you abusing the drug? To abuse any drug, use must be at the heart of it. There are several ways to determine whether or not you have CUD.
Do you use marijuana on a regular basis? Have you tried and failed to quit? Have you ever experienced anxiety, insomnia, or irritability that disappears when you smoke? Do you frequently crave marijuana and feel compelled to use it? Then you may be suffering from a marijuana use disorder.
Marijuana Abuse
THC enters the lungs and bloodstream quickly after marijuana is smoked, carrying it to the brain and other organs. THC is typically absorbed slowly through foods and beverages. THC is essential for brain development and function, so when it is altered by marijuana, the brain ceases to function properly. Marijuana affects the part of the brain that is responsible for pleasure, memory, coordination, and sensory input.
Is Marijuana Addictive?
There is currently no medical research available to address cannabis addiction, and it does not mention that marijuana can lead to addiction. However, new findings indicate that the endocannabinoid system has a promising future in the development of medications to alleviate withdrawal symptoms.
Regardless of how inconclusive the research is, it does indicate that marijuana has a certain percentage of addiction in one's body. The medication alleviates withdrawal symptoms by blocking the effect of the drug that gives you a high and prevents you from using it again.
So, is marijuana addictive? Yes, marijuana is addictive; however, how do you know if you're addicted to marijuana?
Addiction Symptoms
Marijuana addiction, like many others, has both physical and behavioral symptoms. Marijuana, whether used recreationally or medicinally, can lead to addiction if used for an extended period of time. Among the symptoms are:
Behavioral Symptoms
Distorted, false, or biased perceptions.
Poor coordination.
Slow thinking and problem-solving.
Problems with memory.
Physical Symptoms
Physical symptoms associated with mucus include poor memory, poor coordination, rapid heartbeat, blurry vision, bloodshot eyes, and a constant dry cough. Anxiety, paranoia, and constant hunger are also significant symptoms.
Withdrawal Symptoms of Marijuana
When one decides to stop using it, it, like many other drugs that lead to addiction, has negative consequences. After a long period of drug abuse, withdrawal symptoms appear within a week of stopping use.
Marijuana use disorder is caused by drug dependence. Some common cannabis withdrawal symptoms include:
Mood Irritability
Decreased appetite
Cravings or munchies
Chills among others

Substance abuse treatment is not a fit-all solution for all people who use marijuana.
The best way to avoid CUD is to simply avoid the drug entirely. Avoiding marijuana use ensures a life free of dependence. Inform your children about the dangers of marijuana and be extra cautious when they reach the age of adolescence or are experiencing stress and anxiety.
Psychotherapy is a common treatment for CUD. Cognitive behavioral therapies such as shaping and remodeling, contingency management such as punishment and extinction, and motivational enhancement therapy are examples. Meditation can also aid in the reduction of cannabis use disorder.
Put a limit
The patient can plan when he will take the medication. Perhaps reducing the number of days from four to two, or eliminating weekends. If you are unable to adhere to your schedule, you must consult a physician.
Rehab, like other treatment protocols for other addictions, is another option for marijuana use disorder. Rehabilitation is only as effective as the patient's willingness to participate.
Health Risks
Apart from addiction, marijuana can cause several issues. They include:
Smoking marijuana causes more respiratory illnesses like lung infections and respiratory disease.
Marijuana leads to a heart attacks. Research shows that the heart rate increases rapidly after smoking, which can last up to three hours, risking a heart attack. Adults with cardiac problems are at a higher risk.
Marijuana can lead to psychosis in some users and also worsens symptoms in patients with schizophrenia.
Marijuana abuse also leads to other mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts (among adolescents).
The use of marijuana while pregnant can lead to neurobehavioral issues in babies. The child can have problems with memory, attention, and problem-solving.
Finally, marijuana can lead to death or injury since it impairs one's judgment and motor coordination.
Do You Want to Know More About Cannabis and How Addictive It Is? Welcome To Munchies Cannabis
As previously stated, cannabis has both positive and negative effects. Understanding how it affects your body is critical to avoiding the devastation of addiction. That is why, at Munchies Cannabis, we bring you the best cannabis strands while also teaching you how to use them for your specific needs.
We are an independent, family-owned cannabis retailer with a passion for cannabis located in the heart of Ottawa. Cannabis is an experience, not a commodity. We want you to leave with more than just merchandise. Call us at 613-748-1000 and let's try cannabis together!